Post by mohammed haial

The “MANAGEM GROUP”: Between “Yellow Gold” and “Red Gold”. During this “2021 2030” Decade, the “MANAGEM GROUP” aims to “Develop” an “Auriferous Sector” by taking advantage of the “Auriferous Boom” in “West Africa”. Consequently,the “Group “is “developing “a “Continental “Portfolio “of “Gold “Projects “in “either “Exploration “or “Production “status, as follows: -Exploitation Pole: To “mine” the “Gabgaba(Sudan),Tri K(Guinea),Eteké(Gabon)” gold trio, the Group opted for open-pit mining by “designing” and “digging” 3D pits with a given surface area and depth, generating an estimated backfill volume of XMT,which enabled the group to master all the techniques involved in slope stability, the “Design and excavation” of 3D pits, and the famous geotechnical parameter, the “Stripp Ratio”, which determines the “Volume of Waste” to be excavated in order to extract a “Tonne of Ore”. -Investment Pole”: In which,the “Groupe MANAGEM “holds a “Continental Portfolio “of “Exploration Permits”. In addition,the “MANAGEM Group “has acquired three “Mining Assets “named “BAMBOUK Assets “via a “Financial Amount “of 282 MUSD. This “Portfolio of Mining Assets” is located in: *SENEGAL:via the acquisition of 90% of the “Boto Project” and 100% of the “Exploration Permits”: Boto Ouest, Senala Ouest, Daorala. *MALI:via the total acquisition of the “Diakha-Siribaya Project”. *Guinea:via the acquisition of the “KARITA “Gold Project. Consequently, in order to “Exploit” them, the “MANAGEM GROUP” will have to launch a “New Investment Plan” with two “Technical and Economic Objectives”: -The “Study Phase”: this “Phase” consists of Three poles: *Mining Exploration: to estimate “Quantitatively” and “Qualitatively” the total Geological Resources (Measured, Indicated, Inferred) of the “BABOUK Assets”, estimated at 5MT of gold. *An EDF to convert Geological Resources (Measured,Indicated,Inferred) into Mining Reserves (Proven,Probable). *Determination of the appropriate “Mining Method” based on the “Stripp Ratio”, which determines the “Volume of Waste” to be removed in order to extract a “Tonne of Ore”. -The “Works Phase”: Via the construction of a “Cyanidation Plant” and a “3D Pit” (Length, Width, Depth) in which the Geologist determines its “Optimal Envelope” via a “Technico-Economic” Study, and “Determines” its “Optimal Tilt” to ensure the “Stability of the Slopes” during construction and operation. In short, with a ten-year “Investment Plan”, the “MANAGEM GROUP” aims to achieve two “Productive Objectives”: *Copper: “Double “annual “copper “production “by “exploiting “the “TIZERT “deposit. *Gold: Achieve an “Annual Production “of 1MOnces through the “Development “of a “Gold “Sector “in “West “Africa.

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