PT09 – Lextractiv International

Jean-Paul LAHIDE

Lextractiv International

Theme(s): Environmental/Sustainability

Project objectives

For more responsible and sustainable extractive industries

Why are you proud of the project?

It will help reduce the paradox of extractive abundance

Project presentation

Problem to be solved:

Eradicate or mitigate the paradox of extractive abundance, particularly in Africa, marked by poor resource governance, violation of human rights and the environment, etc.

Solution :

Raising awareness of best practices in the sector via a digital magazine/collection: RELEXT, the creation of a digital documentary database, online training, a socio-environmental alert application, etc.

Project description:

The project involves setting up a research and consultancy firm specializing in the extractive industries in Africa and worldwide. The firm is primarily a legaltech, offering its services and products in BtoB, BtoC and secondarily in CtoB.

The project is a company and a corporate foundation.

The project covers 6 professions integrated into a continuous value chain in the extractive sector: Research; Publishing; Consulting; ISO Training & Certification; Audits; Litigation.

The project comprises 6 non-profit brands or sub-brands supported by the foundation: RELEXT Review; RELEXT Collection; Lextractiv E.Doc (for the documentary and digital bookshop); E.Lext (editorial support); Lextractiv Learning (for online training courses, including our Lextractiv Executive MBA -LEMBA-); Lextractiv Foundation (general support for all general interest, CSR and pro bono activities).

The project includes 3 profit-making brands or sub-brands carried by the company: Lextractiv Consulting; Lextractiv Litigation (for arbitration and meditation); LextPay (for e.payments).

The project has 12 branches, including 6 in Africa, 1 in Europe (France), 1 in Asia (China), 2 in America (USA and Canada) and 2 in Eurasia (Russia and Turkey).


Vote for Lextractiv International’s pitch 09!

The 5 finalists will present their pitches in person on November 30, 2023 at the Rencontres du PMI at the Palais des Congrès in Versailles.

Voting is only possible via the Mobile application: Rencontres du PMI

Voting is available from October 7 to October 27, 2023 in the Projects & Talents / . Everyone can vote … once!

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