Conciliation and mediation
It may be worthwhile to opt for a more amicable settlement of your mining, oil or gas disputes, as is often also recognized by the judge and other wise players in the extractive industries. We strongly recommend it, given its comparative advantages.
If you have chosen this path, whether you are a multinational or a single company, a state or government, an international (WBG, IMF), regional (ADB, etc.) or national donor, a municipality, a representative of the indigenous or local population, an NGO, a trade union or an association, we will accompany and support you in all your disputes, through conciliation and/or mediation by our most experienced experts in the field.
To save time and improve efficiency, make us your representative for conciliation and/or mediation proceedings in extractive or related fields, so that we can provide you with solutions best suited to your organization’s or company’s situation. Do you already have a customer account with us? If not, you can register here. If so, please download, complete and return the attached form, specifying whether you wish to avail yourself of Lextractiv international’s legal assistance in conciliation and mediation by provision contract (annual, quarterly, monthly) or if you prefer the more economical intermediate solution of obtaining a promo code project by project.