The Lextractiv International Foundation

The Lextractiv International Foundation*, specializing in sustainability and responsibility in the extractive industries (,

Joins forces with

M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University-NEFU-(Russia),

And the University of Bertoua (Cameroon),

To organize an annual international conference
“Legal and economic regulation of the interests of the State of commercial structures and the local population in exploitation of the subsoil”
under the 2023 theme: “*Extractive industry and local residents’ rights”.

Date: Tuesday December 5, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. (Cameroon time)
Duration: 4h
Number of interventions: 20 professors and experts

The language of the interventions — French, English.

Format: Online

We hope lots of you come. Info: 655183653 (whatsapp)

Terms of participation:

50 EUR for individual professionals, + certificate of participation

150 EUR for organizations +certificate of participation

Free for students and researchers

Obtain your participation link after payment, and your certificate at the end of the training.

We will send you the means of payment and the program by separate post.

Best regards

The organizing committee

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